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Better Ways to Manage COVID Vaccinations


December 1, 2021

With the need for employees to be vaccinated in order to work, managing their vaccination status is vital. With the recent release of our Compliance Requests & Employee Self Service feature, staying up to date with your employee's vaccination status can be done in real time.


With the Compliance Requests & Employee Self Service feature, you have the ability to request your guards' COVID vaccination status at the click of a button, requiring them to upload their certificate straight to their Guardhouse account via the mobile app. You no longer need to go through the trouble of requesting certificates individually through email, text messages, WhatsApp, etc.


With requirements for certain workers to be vaccinated across the country, being able to easily manage their vaccination status can make a big difference. Compliance Requests & Employee Self Service is a very effective tool for managing standardised compliance with employee licenses as well as their COVID vaccination status.

View our Webinar on the Compliance Requests & Self Services feature here:

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